Can you work in another regime being self-employed?

Can you work in another regime being self-employed?

One of the most frequent questions we receive at Drisar Asesores is whether you can be self-employed and work for a company at the same time.
Yes, it is possible, as long as your company allows it, that is, you must verify that you have not signed any exclusivity clause at the time of your contract.
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What is the Self-Employed Flat Rate and when can it be requested?

What is the Self-Employed Flat Rate and when can it be requested?

The flat rate for the self-employed consists of a measure established to promote self-employment, which is the reduced payment to Social Security of the monthly fee, for one or two years, to those who carry out their activities as self-employed. read more

Can the self-employed contribution base be changed?

Can the self-employed contribution base be changed?

The self-employed can change the contribution base twice a year, requesting it through the General Treasury of the Social Security, electronically or in person. At Drisar Asesores we can help you in case you need to change the contribution base, to perform the calculations correctly according to your monthly income. read more

What are the procedures to register as self-employed?

What are the procedures to register as self-employed?

Do you want to register as self-employed, but do not know where to start? At Drisar Asesores, we take care of the entire process and we also inform you so that you are aware of what procedures you need to carry out this entire process and successfully register. read more

What is the minimum fee to be paid as self-employed?

What is the minimum fee to be paid as self-employed?

At Drisar Asesores we have extensive knowledge about the contributions that self-employed workers must pay. We will explain how much the self-employed must pay to Social Security and what is the cost of the self-employed quota that is established for January 1, 2023. read more

Purchase / Sale of homes to Non-Residents

Purchase / Sale of homes to Non-Residents

Buy or sell housing to non-residents in Spain

Do I have to know anything if the person I want to buy my home from is a Non-Resident? Or if, on the contrary, to whom I want to sell the home is a Non-Resident? One of the most common operations on the Costa del Sol is the purchase or sale of homes, in which one of the parties is a Non-Resident. read more

Are you thinking of selling your home? What should I know before selling my home?

Are you thinking of selling your home? What should I know before selling my home?

Many nuances must be taken into account when selling your home, whether it is our habitual residence or a second or third residence. When we start this process many doubts arise and we must be sure of the answers so as not to fall into common mistakes that at the end of the process translate into a higher payment of expenses and taxes. read more

Second home: What should we take into account when buying a second home?

Second home: What should we take into account when buying a second home?

What should we take into account when buying a second home? As a main question, we must take into account if the second home that we are going to acquire is going to be for our sole enjoyment, or if, on the contrary, we are going to get a return on it, that is, rent it. If we are going to make our own use of it, we must bear in mind that... read more