What are the advantages of being self-employed?

What are the advantages of being self-employed?

If you are thinking of registering as self-employed, but you still have some doubts and you are not sure what to do with your working life, at Drisar Asesores we can explain in detail the advantages of being self-employed so that you can make the right decision and know what your rights are. and homework in this case. read more

How much does a freelancer get paid for sickness?

How much does a freelancer get paid for sickness?

This is one of the aspects that most worries a self-employed person when it comes time to take sick leave, which is largely due to the fact that the amounts they receive in this case are lower than the income they generate working on their own. . read more

When do I have to register as Self-Employed?

When do I have to register as Self-Employed?

Generally, in order to carry out self-employment activities in Spain, you need to apply for registration as a self-employed person. But on some occasions, when you receive an amount in a timely manner or for a small amount, the question may arise as to whether it is necessary to register with Social Security and when it is better to do so. read more

What is the Self-Employed Flat Rate and when can it be requested?

What is the Self-Employed Flat Rate and when can it be requested?

The flat rate for the self-employed consists of a measure established to promote self-employment, which is the reduced payment to Social Security of the monthly fee, for one or two years, to those who carry out their activities as self-employed. read more

Can the self-employed contribution base be changed?

Can the self-employed contribution base be changed?

The self-employed can change the contribution base twice a year, requesting it through the General Treasury of the Social Security, electronically or in person. At Drisar Asesores we can help you in case you need to change the contribution base, to perform the calculations correctly according to your monthly income. read more

What are the procedures to register as self-employed?

What are the procedures to register as self-employed?

Do you want to register as self-employed, but do not know where to start? At Drisar Asesores, we take care of the entire process and we also inform you so that you are aware of what procedures you need to carry out this entire process and successfully register. read more

What is the minimum fee to be paid as self-employed?

What is the minimum fee to be paid as self-employed?

At Drisar Asesores we have extensive knowledge about the contributions that self-employed workers must pay. We will explain how much the self-employed must pay to Social Security and what is the cost of the self-employed quota that is established for January 1, 2023. read more

Contribution system for the self-employed according to their income brackets

Contribution system for the self-employed according to their income brackets

Following the various proposals made by the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, the RETA fee will range from a range of net income and will be adjusted until the year 2025. According to the latest proposal to modify the contribution system: In accordance with the provisions of DT 1 of Royal Decree-Law 13/2022, the tables…